You can now get any vehicle's details from RTO.
Just SMS, BTIS RTO followed by registration no. (Example: BTIS RTO KA02EB8171) to 52225 (Airtel subscribers only).
UPDATE: The same information is also now available from
This will be very useful in hit & run cases. Pass it on to as many people you know This works well for Karnataka (KA) registered vehicles.
SMS charge will be Rs.3.
Note- It still returns old owner name incase car is sold
News Sources
Bengaluru, May 15: Transport commissioner Bhaskar Rao has allayed fears that the SMS service being offered by the RTO to track hit-and-run offenders will instead prove to be a blessing in disguise for those keen on ‘tracking’ girls.
The service was launched by the RTO on Thursday to help citizens with details of vehicles involved in hit-and- run cases. Fears were expressed that it would help in conveying personal details especially pertaining to girls.
Anyone can obtain the information on a vehicle owner by sending the registration number to 56006. Within seconds, the name of the vehicle owner and the contact address will be displayed on the SMS sender’s mobile screen helping the public to lodge a police complaint. What is worrying many is the fact that this information could also be easily obtained by a mischief monger.
But Mr Rao brushed aside the fear of the information being misused. He said that only the name of the vehicle owner, the engine number and the chassis number will be provided while replying to the SMS sent to 56006.
“To check how effective the SMS system is, all details of vehicles are being provided for another 10 days. Later, limited information will be provided to the sender and the public need not fret over this,” he said.
The SMS facility was announced by transport minister R. Ashok.
Details of 16 lakh vehicles (registration numbers starting with KA-01, KA-02, KA-03, KA-04 and KA-05) have been stored in the database.
The details of around 70 lakh vehicles will be uploaded in the next eight months. The information on all vehicles which were registered before February 15 has already been uploaded. Vehicles with registration numbers up to KA – 55 will be added shortly, Mr Rao said.
Similarly, the insurance details of all vehicles will be made available. This will help bring insurance fee evaders under the tax net, said Mr Rao.
“After 10 days, those who wish to obtain full information of a particular vehicle can do so it from our official website by providing their e-mail id,” Mr Rao added.
Indian Express
The State Transport Department is going the e-governance way. Not only has it computerised information on vehicles registered in Bangalore RTOs, it is now thinking of launching an SMS service that can get you information on motor vehicles through your mobiles.
This information will include the vehicle registration number, name & address of the registered owner, engine & chassis numbers of vehicles that are registered.
However, the department is still trying to reach a decision as to whether this information can be let out to the general public or only to the RTO officials and the police.
As of now, the operations have been tested out successfully on a pilot basis. To start with, out of 55 Regional Transport Offices (RTOs) in Karnataka,one can get info of vehicles that are registered in Bangalore RTOs where computerisation is completed-- that is from KA- 01 to KA-05.
Official sources in the Transport Department confirmed the Express that the information of 16 lakh vehicles have already uploaded.
“The vehicle database updated or created by the respective RTOs up to January 2009 has been uploaded and the five per cent error margin will be rectified soon.
However, the mobile SMS service number and users accessibility are yet to be finalised by the department as the business module is being worked out with the service providers,’’ the source informed.
How to use it?
One can type RTO-space-KA- 05-M-followed by the number and send it to a five-digit number from the mobile phone. Each SMS will cost about Rs 3.
“If a service provider charges less than Rs 3 per SMS for this particular service, then we may tie-up with them,’’ the official said.
The department is still figuring out whether the information should be accessible to the general public due to fear of misuse. “The department is also thinking of giving limited access for this service to Transport Department and Police Department for enforcement purposes,’’ the source added. In Delhi, the access has been restricted to RTO officials and the police personnel.
The department was considering the inclusion of vehicle technical details like vehicle maker’s name & classification, month & year of manufacture, details of tax paid and fitness certification, which can accessed by the general public if not the earlier-said information.
“e-governance benefits should reach the people, which is the ultimate purpose of an e-governance. The mobile SMS service will be hassle-free and time saving.
The police or the public need not to go from pillar-to-post in RTOs to get vehicle information,’’ the official said.