The “Job Description” for Google Goats?
Should be capable of:

Mowing the fields…
Clearing the weeds…
And keeping the fire hazards at bay!

I know this sounds absurd… believe me, this is no joke.

The decision has been made to support Google’s so called “low carbon approach” of using goats instead of the lawn mowers (that run on gasoline and pollute the air).

Around 200 goats have been engaged from California Grazing, who eat grass and fertilize the land at the same time (lol… okkkk!)

Is Google saving costs by doing this?
Google says No…

“It costs us about the same as mowing… the goats are a lot cuter to watch than lawn mowers.”

PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals seems okay with the idea of eating grass and looking cute, but they have some concerns as well…

Amy Cook, Assistant Manager of Marketing for PETA pointed out:

PETA has no problem with letting goats do what goats want to do but we do have concerns:

How will the goats be transported?
Will they have access to shelter and shade during storms or hot weather?
Will there be a provision and availability of food and drinking water?
Where will they be housed when they aren’t “working”?
What kind of veterinary care will they receive?
PETA has found over and over that whenever animals are used by a business to make money, corners are cut and animals often suffer as a result. And that really gets our goat, if you’ll pardon the pun. [Source: TechCrunch]

And the response from Niki Fenwick, a Google representative:

“Google takes the wellness of our employees very seriously and we pride ourselves on having a responsive and adaptable culture. The lawn-mowing goats are not, of course, full-time Google employees - but we would certainly respond directly to any concerns about their treatment. I can confirm that during their time in Mountain View, like other Google employees, each goat is entitled to a free organic lunch.”

Free organic lunch eh? Well, good luck… Goats!

Check out more at Official Google Blog: Mowing with goats

Thanks to Devils Workshop.


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